lauantai 24. joulukuuta 2011

Baby it's cold outside

yes I know that this is not the second part to Push the emergency stop, but I had to post this cause it's Christmas. I'll post the second part to Push the emergency stop after X-mas. ^________^
But merry Christmas ya all! <3

                   Pairing: You'll see... ;)
                   Warnings: I guess you don't find anything to be warned about... :) 
                   Summary: It's cold outside...

  “I really have to go now, baby…” he looked at me with his beautiful eyes. It always melted my heart and I didn’t ever want to let him go.
“Don’t go… not yet. I’ve been waiting to see you for so long.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him a little closer to me. He looked at me and smiled:
“Dad will be mad if I don’t…” I put my finger to his lips.
“Shhhhh… he doesn’t mind.” I wrapped my other hand around his hips and hugged him tightly. He just rolled his eyes and kissed my jaw briefly.
“But I really should…” I interrupted him once again:
“I want you to stay. And baby, it’s cold outside.” I batted my lashes.
“Well okay, one drink and than I’ll go.” He smiled and I hurried to pour us something to drink. He was sitting on the couch and smiling beautifully. I sat down on the couch, not too close to him, and handed him the drink. He took it and thanked me. I moved a little closer and took his hand to mine. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I wanted him to stay forever but much too soon he was leaving again:
“I really can’t stay.” he stroked my cheek and I leaned into the touch.
“But the weather is just terrible and there’s no way I can get you a cab…” I gave him puppyeyes.
“Oh please, honey. I’ve had so much fun but I must go now.” He turned to look away and smiled.
“But you’ll freeze out there… and what if you get sick? I don’t want you to die.” I stepped in front of him and took his hands and pressed them against my chest.
“What if you borrow me a coat? Look, darling, my father will be really mad if I won’t be home by midnight. And I’m not gonna die, you silly.” he lifted his other hand to my cheek.
“Please stay. It’s cold outside. And you don’t wanna make me sad, do you?” I tilted my head to his hand. He moved his thumb over my cheekbone and looked like he was thinking really hard. Than he shook his head:
“No… I’d rather make father mad than make you sad, honey.” he smiled and his eyes were sparkling.
“Hmmmm… You’re beautiful, darling.” I nuzzled my nose to his neck.
“Oh, thank you.” I tried to kiss his lips but he lifted his fingers in front of my mouth and smiled: “Oh but Mr. Anderson! Behave yourself.” he laughed.
“Oh baby, how many times do I have to tell you that it’s Blaine for you.”
“At least thousand times, my love… here’s quite cold, by the way…” suddenly he was walking around the couch.
“I could warm you up…” I hurried behind him. I tried to pull him close but he was quicker than me and slipped further away when I reached for his hand. “Ah… c’mon.” he giggled and looked at me over his shoulder:
“Catch me, than you can warm me up.” he winked.
“Oh yes I will…” I murmured. He ran up the stairs and I followed him. I found him from my bedroom where he was sitting on the bed and smiling widely. I walked to stand in front of him and smiled. “Gosh… your lips look so delicious… could I just kiss you, baby?”
“I ought to say no sir… but…”
“Oh, beautiful, please…” I bent down a little, breathing warmly against his lips.
“At least I’m gonna say that I tried…” his eyes fluttered closed as I lowered my head to kiss him softly.
“Hmmm… you warm enough?” I hummed against his lips.
“Come closer, please…?” he sighed and tugged at my tie. I sat down beside him and pulled him closer to me still kissing him gently.
“Hm… It’s getting warmer…” I purred and nuzzled his ear when we were lying under the blankets and holding each other tightly.
“Mm… its cold out there…” he hid his face to the crook of my neck.
“Couldn’t you stay all night, baby…?” I kissed the top of his head.
“Well… I really shouldn’t but… alright.” he lifted his head and smiled at me.
“I love you, Kurt. I’ll make it worth your while, baby…” I bit down his neck to his shoulder.
“I… love you too. Ahh… do that again…”
“Hmm… merry Christmas, darling.”
“Merry Christmas…”

     Have a very Glee Christmas!   <3

maanantai 19. joulukuuta 2011

Push the emergency stop 1/2

      Pairings: Frank Iero/ Gerard Way, Mikey Way/ Bob Bryar
Warnings: language, sex
Summary:What happens when Gerard decides to stop the elevator...

“That must be the new worker our boss was talking about…” Gerard thought when he was standing in elevator. The man who was standing back towards him was short and thin and he had really short, brown hair. The elevator door opened and a tall, blonde woman walked in:
“Gooood morning Gerard!” she said happily and smiled.
“Oh… hi Camilla.” Gerard returned the smile. On the next floor he got out of the elevator and Camilla followed him.
“Was that the new guy?” Gerard asked when they were walking down the hallway.
“Oh yes, he was! And oh my god, did you see how adorable and hot he was!” Camilla was so exited. But than her voice changed: “But did you see how he was dressed?” Gerard shook his head, asking her to continue. “He had a black suit- which is not bad- but than he had these old Converses and he didn’t have a tie. And he was carrying a MESSENGER BAG. Only teenage boys use those things.” Gerard just stared at Camilla and after a while he started to laugh:
“Oh Cam… what does it matter if he doesn’t have a tie or if he does have a messenger bag? It doesn’t make him a bad person.” Camilla rolled her eyes and was about to say something. “And I think it’s kinda cute.” Gerard added and smiled.
“But he looks like a kid and no woman wants to date a--- wait… what did you say?” Camilla’s eyes widened.
“I said that he looks cute. So what? You know that I’m gay.” Camilla just rolled her eyes again and sighed.
“Gerard!” Gerard spun around when he heard someone calling his name.
“Yes, Mr. Bryar?” he looked at his HUGE boss.
“Come with me.”

“This is Frank Iero.” Mr. Bryar said and waved his hand towards the small man standing in front of his desk. “He’s young and I hope that you, Gerard, would help him to start here.”
“How young actually?” Gerard asked and tried not to smirk. Mr. Bryar was just about to answer when the small man opened his pretty mouth and snapped:
“I’m twenty-one. And how old are you? Like… fifty or what Mr…?”his dark eyes were shooting daggers at Gerard. Gerard just smiled at Frank:
“Way. Gerard Way. And I’m twenty-six, to be correct.” Gerard said and grinned. “You look like you’re sixteen, midget.” he added in his head and turned towards Mr. Bryar: “Of course I can help this young man to start his career in your company.”
“Thank you Gerard. And now, can you show Frank where his office is?” Mr. Bryar smiled warmly at both men. This time they were interrupted by Mr. Bryar’s secretary, Michael (or Mikey, who was also Gerard’s little brother):
“Bo—uh… excuse me Mr. Bryar.” Mikey looked a bit embarrassed, or at least that was what Gerard thought. “Oh… hi Gerard.” Mikey waved awkwardly when Gerard greeted him.
“Is it something important, Mikey?” Mr. Bryar asked from Mikey, but Mikey just shook his head and muttered something like “it can wait” or “I can wait” and walked out of the office.
Mikey, huh…?” Gerard grinned, looking like and idiot.
“So… where was I?” Mr. Bryar’s cheeks got a little more color on them as usual. “Oh yes… Frank’s office is on floor 26, third door on the left. And Gerard… if you see Michael, please tell him that I’m free for what ever he had in mind.”
“Of course.” Gerard smirked and walked out of Mr. Bryar’s office. Frank followed him not-so-willingly.
“Why are you smiling like motherfucking retard?” he asked when they were in the elevator.
“Why do you ask, midget?” Gerard slapped his hand over his mouth. Oh. My. God.
“I’m not a fucking midget, you sonofabitch!” Gerard was sure that Frank’s glare was going to kill him in any minute.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it.” he bit his lip.
“Save it you motherfucking slut.” Frank snapped. “I guess I’ll find my office without your help, thanyouveryfuckingmuch.” he growled through his teeth as the elevator doors opened on floor 28.
“No, wait! I’m sorry. I really am.” Gerard grabbed Frank’s arm. “And it’s on floor 26…”
Frank stopped and turned to look at Gerard: “I can use the stairs, you asshole. I’m not an idiot.”
“Yeah, but…” Gerard was interrupted by Camilla:
“Gerard! I need your help.”
“Not right now, Cam!” Gerard sighed.
“What?” Camilla came to the doorway.
“He is coming.” Frank answered, walked back in to the elevator and pushed Gerard out. Gerard just stood there, mouth wide open as the elevator doors slid shut in front of him. Frank got to the floor 26 and was about to open his door when Mikey walked pass him.

maanantai 28. marraskuuta 2011

She's so pretty


                                           She’s so pretty…

Frank hadn’t seen her before. She was taller than Frank (which was no achievement, not even for a girl), she had a black, messy and quite short hair and hazel brown eyes lined with black eyeliner. When she smiled widely you could see her tiny white teeth and she talked from the other side of her mouth. Frank hadn’t heard her voice, but he believed it was nice. He believed that the whole girl was nice. No one as adorable as she, could not be nice.
Frank’s friend, Bob, had asked him to come to a party on Friday and Bob had said that the new girl would also be there ‘cause Bob knew her brother. Frank had agreed to go and was looking forward to it.
“Frank! What’s up bro?” Frank heard Bob’s voice as he pushed past people to get out of the hall and into the living room.
“Hi Bob!” Frank smiled and hugged his friend. He saw a tall and very skinny boy standing behind Bob and wondered if it was that new girl’s brother Bob was talking about.
“This is Mikey.” Bob introduced. The skinny boy waved and smiled timidly to Frank who smiled and introduced himself as Frank. That was all they could talk before Ray and Brian appeared from somewhere and started the endless chatter about the girls that Bob had invited there. Frank just laughed and headed to the kitchen to get something to drink. He walked to the fridge and was about to open it when someone pushed him so that he was smashed against the counter.
“HEY! Even though I’m small it doesn’t mean you can push--…” Frank turned around and stopped talking when he realized it was the new girl he was staring at.
“I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to push you or anything.” she looked at Frank apologetically.
“Uh… um… it doesn’t matter.” Frank muttered and looked down at his feet. He felt stupid. He had just yelled at maybe the most attractive girl he had ever seen. The girl didn’t seem to mind about it. She just asked if Frank wanted to have something to drink and after Frank mumbled ‘beer thanks’ she took two cans of beer from the fridge and handed the other one to Frank. Frank thanked her and opened the can. She started to talk about random things like music and comics and stuff and Frank felt like he had known her for ages. She was like some kind of boy in girl’s body. She had a pretty rough voice for a girl but when she laughed she was totally a girl (well Frank had to admit that his own laugh (or maybe it was a giggle) was even more girlish then hers). They drank quite a lot of beer and laughed a lot and they had very much in common.
“Do you wanna come out with me? I’m gonna go out for a cigarette.” she asked from Frank after a short quiet moment.
“Well… why not.” Frank agreed and followed her out.
“So… what’s your name?” the girl asked once they were out, both smoking.
“Frank. What’s yours?”  Frank blew the smoke out of his mouth and turned to look in those beautiful eyes.
“Gee.” the girl answered, then they were quiet again.
“Gerard…” both, Frank and Gee, turned to look at the doorway where the voice came from. It was the same tall and skinny boy, Mikey, who Frank saw a little earlier with Bob. Frank started thinking of what Mikey just said: Gerard. It was a boy’s name… right? But she totally looked like a girl… she even wore a skirt!
“What is it Mikey?” Gee (or Gerard) asked and looked at her brother (which he obviously was), smiling kindly.
“I’m gonna stay here with Bob, so you don’t have to wait for me incase you still wanna go home.” Mikey muttered so quietly that Frank wasn’t sure about all of the words. Gee just smiled at her brother and gave him a hug and a little peck on his cheek. “Okay, have fun, I love you bro.”
“I love you too, dude.” Mikey smiled and walked back in.
“Sooo… are you gonna go home now?” Frank asked a little awkwardly.
“I guess so.” Gee answered and dropped her cigarette to the ground. She stood in front of Frank and looked straight into his eyes, than she stepped forward and placed a small kiss on Frank’s lips. “But you could come with me? My parents are not home.” she suggested to Frank who seemed to be somewhere else. “Frankie?”
“Um… yeah. What?” Frank looked at Gee.
“You’re blushing… how cute. Do you wanna come with me or not?” Gee tilted her head on the side.
“Oh… yeah. I… sure, why not.” Frank blushed even harder with Gee’s announcement and his own stumbling with the words. Gee took his hand and leaded him to an old red pickup on the driveway. She opened the passenger side door to Frank and Frank climbed in. He was a bit embarrassed, cause hey: it was a girl who opened the door to him.
Gee walked around the car and sat down to the driver’s seat. Frank started to get anxious and ill, but he didn’t know why, and Gee noticed that after fifteen minutes of driving.
“Are you okay?” she asked and turned her face to see Frank. Frank nodded and turned to look out of the window. “Are you sure, cause I can drive off and you can go out.” Gee placed her hand on Frank’s knee. Frank turned to face her and suddenly Gerard didn’t look like a girl at all. She looked like a boy, or a young man, not that sweet teenage girl she looked like before. Frank felt how he was about to vomit if he couldn’t get out and he asked if Gee could drive off the road. Gee did so and Frank stumbled out. He dropped on his knees and emptied the contents of his stomach. He felt how Gee held his hair back as he vomited and the other of Gee’s hands was stroking his back softly.
“Are you alright Frank?” she sounded also different. She sounded the same as she looked like: a young, worried man.
“Um… yeah. I’m so sorry.“ Frank sighed and closed his eyes. Gee helped him to stand up and hugged him tightly. Frank pressed closer and realized that there was one reason more: she didn’t have boobs. Gee gave Frank a bottle of water and Frank washed his mouth. After a while of cuddling Gee asked quietly:
“Can I kiss you Frankie?”
Frank didn’t answer, just got up on his toes and pressed his lips lightly to Gee’s.
“Can I ask you something?” Frank said as he pulled back to look into Gee’s eyes.
“Anything you want.” Gee answered and smiled warmly.
“Are you a boy or a girl? You look like a girl and then all of a sudden you don’t and… uh... I’m confused.” Frank tilted his head back so he could see Gerard better.
“I am a boy, you silly.” Gee laughed and lowered his head so he could kiss Frank’s lips.
“I thought so too. You kiss like a man.” Frank smiled and wrapped his arms around Gee’s neck so he could pull Gee down and kiss him. Gerard just laughed lightly and kissed the small boy in his arms.


torstai 24. marraskuuta 2011

lauantai 12. marraskuuta 2011

Seize the day

Seize the day

Pairing: M. Shadows/Synyster Gates
Warnings: language, character death
Summary: Seize the day or die regretting.
I walked into the kitchen and smiled: “It’s time to go.” Synyster lifted his eyes from the newspaper he was reading as The Rev got up from the table. He nodded at me and walked pass me.
“I said it’s time to go, Gates.” I repeated to Synyster who just sat there staring at me. He got up and walked over to me still looking at me. I leaned closer my breath ghosting over his lips. Synyster closed his eyes. I laughed and walked away…
“Shoot him for fuck’s sake Synyster!” Jimmy yelled at me when I was standing in front of the old man who owned the jewellery shop. “Shoot him or he’ll call the motherfucking cops!”
“Too fucking late guys! RUN!” I heard Zacky scream over the approaching sound of sirens as he and Johnny ran out of the shop…
“Where’s Gates?!” I panicked once we were in the car.
“He fell behind. We’ll all get caught if we wait for him.” Zacky started the car.
“Matt! Get back here! MATT!”
“Drop your gun and get down on your knees! I was frozen to the spot. “NOW!” the police was pointing at me with his gun. I stared at him and I couldn’t move…
I ran towards the backdoor of the shop.
“Shadows! Get back here right fucking now!” I didn’t stop to go back. I just couldn’t…
“Down on your knees or I’ll shoot you!” I just couldn’t make a move to get down. The police officer pulled the trigger…
I reached the door and ran in searching for Synyster with my eyes. Saw him in front of the counter with a terrified look in his brown eyes as he sank on his knees, holding his chest…
I saw Matt coming in from the back of the shop as I fell to the floor. I felt how the blood started to bleed from my chest and the room started to spin. I closed my eyes. Matt’s arms wrapped around my back and neck, not letting me fall. He cried…
Synyster looked at me with tired eyes. I held him close to my chest tightly and felt how tears pooled in my eyes.
“I…” my voice disappeared. I felt like this all was my fault. “I never even knew your real name…” I didn’t know why that was all I could manage to say.
“Hey… I’m Brian Haner… I love you, Matt.” Synyster’s voice was nothing but a whisper. “Since the first time I met you…” his eyes fluttered closed and he relaxed in my arms. I pressed my face into his hair and cried:
“I love you. Now and forever… Brian Haner…”
Seize the day or die regretting all time you’ve lost…

lauantai 22. lokakuuta 2011

Sexy Naughty Bitchy (2/2)

 Naughty, Bitchy

 Pairing: M. Shadows (Matt)/ Synyster Gates (Brian) 
Warnings: language, sex, fluff, Brian being a bitch
Summary: Matt always thought that he's the straightest guy in the whole world...

“Wow… that must be the loudest orgasm that I’ve ever heard.” Brian breathed to my ear when he was lying on top of me. He’s weird…I laughed breathlessly, still trying to recover from ‘the loudest orgasm Brian had ever heard’.
“Well… that must be the loudest one I’ve ever had.”
Brian kissed my jaw and stroked my chest yawning at the same time. He closed his eyes and let his head fall on my chest beside his hand. I ran my fingers through his hair humming some quiet melody.
“Brian…?” I said quietly after a short moment.
“Hmmmh…?” he lifted his head a bit.
“This may sound stupid, but I think your orgasm was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard… or seen.” I mumbled, pressing my lips on the top of his head.
“Aww dude… you’re so gay.” Brian kissed the side of my neck and I couldn’t help but laugh.
“Well… it’s completely your fault, honey.”
“MY fault? What did I do?” Brian lifted his head again and looked into my eyes.
“Yes, it is your fault. I wasn’t really interested in guys before I saw your fucking pretty face and damn tattooed arms.” I explained stroking his arm. Brian looked at me with a huge, adorable smile and pecked my lips. I laughed at his happy face (he was so damn sweet!) and kissed him.


“I’m gonna sing this to my terribly sexy, naughty, a little bit bitchy and super sweet husband Brian, who finally, when I proposed him, promised me that at our wedding night I can finally ‘shove’ my ‘horsecock’ into his tight and perfect ass, so… this is for you babe.” everybody laughed and Brian playfully complained something about the ‘tight ass’ comment. I started to sing Dear God, which I had composed by myself, and Brian’s eyes filled with water. After I’d sing I pulled him into a hug and pressed him tightly against my chest.
“That was… I don’t know… I can’t believe we’re actually married.” Brian mumbled and kissed me. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too sweetie.” a big ‘aww’ came from our friends’ direction as I kissed Brian again.

“Congratulations once more babes.” our friend Jimmy smiled and gave us a huge hug when we were leaving to the hotel.
“Thanks Jimmy.” Brian smiled and squeezed Johnny to his chest.
“Maybe you two will be next?” I smirked and Jimmy punched my shoulder.
“Who knows…” Johnny (Jimmy’s sweetheart) said timidly and took his lover’s hand to his own. Jimmy smiled and kissed Johnny’s cheek.
“Take care of Bri’s ass dude. And congratulations.” Brian’s bestman Zacky appeared from somewhere and hugged us both. Zacky’s girlfriend Gena slapped his head:
“Behave yourself honey.” she commanded and Zacky apologized and grinned. After half an hour of hugging and joking we finally got to the hotel. I grabbed Brian’s ass to lift him up and carried him to the bed.
“Hmmm… I’m tired.” Brian mumbled as I climbed to the bed and on top of him. He can’t be fucking serious…
“Brian…” I sighed and kissed his earlobe.
“I was joking babe. I’m just a bit nervous about… you know.” Brian’s cheeks blushed slightly.
“I will not hurt you babe.” I whispered into his ear and kissed down the side of his neck.
“I know. But still…” I interrupted him by sliding my tongue into his mouth. I started to undress him; I took off his tie and jacket and after taking his vest off I started to open his shirt. Brian’s hands moved slowly on my body and he took my clothes off too.
“Are you ready babe?” I asked when we were both lying naked on the bed.
“I… yeah.” Brian looked into my eyes and smiled timidly.
“I love you.” I whispered and climbed on top of him.
“I love you too.” Brian answered and closed his eyes.

                                      ---THE END---

sunnuntai 16. lokakuuta 2011

Sexy Naughty Bitchy (1/2)

 Naughty, Bitchy

 Pairing: M. Shadows (Matt)/ Synyster Gates (Brian) 
Warnings: language, sex, fluff, Brian being a bitch
Summary: Matt always thought that he's the straightest guy in the whole world...

 I was usually not interested in other guys, but at this time I had to admit that the guy- who was standing on the other side of the bar, leaning into a wall- was way much better looking than any girl I’d ever seen. He looked like a rockstar with his dark glasses and shaggy black hair and lots of tattoos. He looked like he had been working out a lot (his tight t-shirt showed it better than well). I looked at his way and noticed a blonde girl that was walking towards him and I decided I had to do something. I walked through the people on the dance floor and got there at the same time as the girl. Harmfully she was the first one to speak:
“I was wondering if you could, like, dance with me or something.” she looked at the man with hopeful eyes, fucking teenager. I bet she was not even old enough to get in but had offered to give a blowjob to the bouncer or something like that. The man lifted his eyebrows behind his glasses and shook his head.
“Sorry but no. I don’t like dancing and I don’t like girls so I will not, like, dance with you or anything.” when he said ‘like’ he made his voice sound like a teenage girl and laughed sarcastically. The girl just snorted and walked away.
“Cause you don’t like dancing or girls could I, like, by you a drink or something?” I asked from him and grinned. He turned to look at me and smiled widely showing me his white and perfect teeth. He nodded and walked pass me towards the bar. We sat down by the counter and I ordered two beers for us. The man was leaning his elbow to the counter and his head to his hand and he was looking (hopefully) at me through his dark glasses.
“So. I’m Matt.” I introduced myself to him. He smiled and told that his name was Brian. After a while of talking and downing half of the beer I asked him if he could take his glasses off, cause it was annoying to talk to him without seeing his eyes. He laughed slightly and took his glasses off. He turned his head back to me and oh those eyes… they must have been the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen and the smile on his face when he placed his glasses to the counter and turned his eyes back to see me... I guess I fell in love right away.

We walked out of the bar after a couple of hours and a whole lot of beer. Brian was leaning into me because he couldn’t walk more than a few meters without stumbling to his own feet. He laughed a lot and sometimes I wasn’t sure what he was talking about cause his words came out too fast and with no order at all, but he was so cute like that, that I didn’t mind about it. We got to my car (I hadn’t been drinking as much as Brian) and I helped him in. He thanked me about thousand times and I just laughed at him.
“So were do you live?” I asked from Brian who was starring out of the window.
“I… I don’t remember the address. It’s somewhere near the beach.” he mumbled and turned to look at me.
“Well baby… we live at Huntington Beach so there’s a whole lot of houses that are near the beach. And how is it even possible that you don’t remember your own address?” I couldn’t help but laugh.
“I just moved there, so… I guess that’s why I don’t remember it… and than there’s the fact that I’m really fucking… drrrrrrrunk.” All of a sudden he looked like he could throw up in any minute. I stopped the car and helped him out and right when he was out he dropped down on his knees and emptied his stomach. I stroked his shoulders and helped him to stand up after he was sure he would not throw up again. He looked miserable as he wiped his mouth to his sleeve. I hugged him tightly pressing him to my chest and he just sighed and hid his face into my jacket.
“You can come to my place and sleep over there. I can get you home tomorrow, alright?” I suggested. Brian did nothing but nodded against my chest and after a few more minutes of hugging I helped him back to my car.
I drove to the driveway leading to my house about fifteen minutes later. I got out of the car and walked around it to help Brian out. His head flopped down on my shoulder when I opened his seatbelt.
“Don’t you fucking pass out on me.” I muttered and lifted him out of my car. I shook him so he was awake enough to stand up properly, but he still couldn’t walk a shit. I half carried him to my door and when he was about to pass out again I lightly slapped his head.
“Don’t you fucking hit meeeh…” he muttered as I helped him into my house.
“I’ll hit you if you pass out on me before I get you to bed.” I replayed cheerfully. Brian didn’t say anything, just focused on staying awake. I dragged him to my bedroom and laid him down on my bed and took off his shoes and jeans. He looked at me with his beautiful and drunken eyes as he spoke quietly:
“Are you going to sleep with me?”
“If you want me to. Otherwise I’ll sleep on the couch.” I answered to him smiling kindly and took off my jacket. Brian didn’t say anything, just took a tight hold of my wrist and pulled me on top of him. On the second my body hit his he crushed his lips to mine and tangled his fingers into my hair pulling it and making me groan. I felt how he smiled against my lips whenever I made some kind of noise. After a while I had to pull a bit back so I could breathe and to look into his eyes. He had a horny grin on his face and the look in his eyes told me exactly what he was thinking. His hands found their way to the hem of my shirt and he pulled it up still not breaking the eye contact we had, it broke only for the few seconds when he pulled my shirt over my head. I jagged off his t-shirt too and pulled him as close to my body as I could. His hands wandered up and down my torso and after a while down to unbuckle my belt. He opened my jeans and pulled them down along with my boxers. As he looked down I could see the awe in his eyes when he saw the contents of my boxers.
“Holy fuck.” he looked at my face and then down again. After a short moment the expression on his face changed: “Don’t even think of shoving THAT into my ass.” I looked into his eyes and there was not even a smallest sign of joking in there. I looked him with my sad puppy eyes and sighed: “What will I do than…?”
“I can give you a blowjob.” he suggested and I rolled my eyes.
“Well. I never let anyone fuck me… so.” I said with a huge crocodile grin. Brian looked pissed off as he sat up. I sat up too, looking at Brian’s angry face.
“You’re fucking annoying. I don’t even know you and you’re fucking annoying.” he muttered under his breath and glared at me.
“Well. I don’t even know you but I can tell you that you’re a total bitch.” I snapped back, still grinning.
“I’m not a bitch you fucking horsecock crocodile!” Brian looked furious as he glared at me and I couldn’t do anything but laugh again.
“That’s all you could come up with? A ‘fucking horsecock crocodile’?” I laughed my fucking ass off and fell back to the bed. Suddenly I felt a slight weight on my waist. I looked up and saw Brian straddling me.
“Oh shut up man.” he hissed and put his finger in my mouth. I opened my mouth and took his long finger between my teeth. He half-smiled and leaned down to kiss my cheek and then he started to place little kisses all over my face and chest and all over my body.
“You sure you won’t let anyone fuck you…?” he murmured to my ear. I couldn’t talk cause his hand wrapped around my –now totally hard- dick and slid up and down around it. I had to close my eyes. “I guess silence can be considered as a ‘yes’.” I felt how Brian’s weight disappeared from my waist and he speared my thighs with his other hand (the other hand was still working with my crotch). With no warning at all he pressed one finger into my ass, earning a surprised moan from me. He remained still for few seconds and I opened my eyes. He looked at me with a grin:
“You like it, don’t you?” it was his turn to grin like a crocodile. I couldn’t speak; I was too confused and too close to exploding into his hand. He pushed his finger deeper and hit the spot that made me press against his hand and groan. After that he pulled his finger out of my ass and back in adding another one and it made me moan louder and almost literally explode. Brian wiped his hand on the sheets and kissed my waist, laughing:
“I bet I would have chocked on that stuff.”
I lifted my head from the pillow, and tried to catch my breath and Brian just grinned even wider. He slid his fingers out of me and placed himself between my thighs stroking my waist with his long fingers. I closed my eyes again and let my head fall back to my pillow.
“You’ve got any lube?” I heard Brian’s voice as he bit my thigh.
“Umm… there…” I waved my hand towards my nightstand. Brian reached to get the lube and after a short moment he was inside me. He pushed in roughly and I cried out in pain and surprise. He stayed still- until my breathing was almost steady again- and than moved his hips again. I groaned and arched my back, pushing down against Brian. Brian just pushed himself deeper and hit my pleasure spot again, which made me cry out but this time not in pain. Brian seemed to be happy with the reaction and kept on hitting the spot over and over again, moaning almost as loud as me. He was fucking awesome…

sunnuntai 9. lokakuuta 2011

Fun Ghoul and Party Poison

'Cause I like drawing I decided that after every fic I'll post some of my drawings that has something to do with the fic. And this time it'll be a picture of Fun Ghoul and Party Poison (obviously :D). I did this last year in school and it came out quite nicely so here you have:

           Fun Ghoul and Party Poison

hope you like it. ^^

tiistai 4. lokakuuta 2011

Killjoys (5/5)

The last part of the Killjoys ! :)
Pairing: Party Poison/Fun Ghoul
Warnings: language, sex
Summary: The leader of the Killjoys can't fall in love... or can he?

 --- chapter 5.---

“Hey you! Over here!” somebody called from the doors. The Draculoids turned to look what was going on and so did Poison and Ghoul who opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Jet standing there with his gun pointed to Korse’s head. Jet was holding Korse still as Kobra spoke up:
“If I were you I would not do that.” he said looking straight at the one who was pointing his gun to Ghoul’s head. Kobra ordered The Draculoid to put his gun down and walk towards the others or else Jet would blow Korse’s head off. The Draculoid did as he was told and Kobra helped Jet to tie Korse up. When they had tied him up, Kobra helped Poison to stand up.
“I should really blow your motherfucking brains out…” Poison growled to Korse who just looked at him with a grin.
“If you make it out of here you will not live long.” he said self-consciously.
“You think so?” Kobra asked and smirked. He helped Poison to the door and waited for Jet to get Ghoul up from the ground.
They made their way to the Trans AM and just when they saw the first Draculoid coming out of the building, it blew up.
“You think so.” Kobra said and laughed.
Ghoul was in a slight shock after what had happened and he couldn’t move. He didn’t seem to understand what was happening around him before he felt the wind on his face as Kobra drove out of the city and headed back to the desert. Poison was sitting on the backseat beside Ghoul and holding his hand gently.
“Are you alright?” he asked when he saw that Ghoul started to move a bit.
“Uh… I don’t know… am I?” Ghoul asked.
“I think you are.” Poison said and smiled kindly.
“Are you?” Ghoul asked looking at Poison’s eyes.
“Yes. I’ll be fine and walking in a few days.” he smiled. “And driving.” he smirked to Kobra who showed Poison his middle finger and laughed.
“Why did you guys save me?” Ghoul asked after a short silence.
“Poison wanted to you help you, I wanted to help Poison and Jet wanted to help us all so…” Kobra said looking straight out of the windshield.
“Um… okay.” Ghoul mumbled quietly. They sat in silence until Kobra drove off the road when it was getting dark.
“I’m fucking hungry.” Poison complained and Kobra laughed:
“You’ll get the same old can food.”
“I know, I know… but I’m not at least complaining about it.” Poison smiled and Kobra helped him to sit down.
“So… we never got those things that were on the list you gave to me.” Ghoul said as he sat down on the other side of Poison.
“No we didn’t but it doesn’t actually matter right now. We’ve got enough food and water for two days so don’t worry.” Poison said and smiled. “And Trans AM is not too shitty… yet.” he added and leaned his head against his Trans AM.
“Well okay then…” Ghoul muttered resting his head on Poison’s shoulder and closed his eyes.
“Do you guys want something to eat?” Jet asked as he came from the other side of the car.
“I’m a little hungry so yes. What about you babe?” Poison asked and tapped Ghoul’s thigh. Ghoul lifted his head, shook it ‘no’ and let it drop on Poison’s shoulder again.
“You sure babe?” Poison asked and took his food from Jet who handed it to him. Ghoul muttered ‘yap’ and closed his eyes. Poison ate slowly looking at the fire that Kobra had built.
“I’m going to sleep now.” Jet said after a short conversation with Kobra.
“I think I’m going too.” Kobra agreed and settled down by the fire. After a while Poison could hear Jet snoring quietly and Kobra breathing heavily.
“Are you tired babe?” Poison asked after he had thrown the can away. Ghoul didn’t answer and Poison assumed he was asleep. He let Ghoul carefully fall on his lap and stroked his cheek gently. Ghoul opened his eyes.
“What’s going on…?” Ghoul mumbled sleepily.
“Oh… I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Poison said apologetically.
“No… that’s fine.” Ghoul smiled, sat up and yawned loudly. Poison kissed his cheek and wrapped his arms around Ghoul, squeezing him tightly against himself.
“Mmm…” Ghoul let a content sigh come out from his mouth. Poison kissed his lips tenderly and Ghoul climbed on Poison’s lap kissing him eagerly. Poison’s hands wandered their way to Ghoul’s ass and his mouth opened slightly when Ghoul’s tongue was pressed against his lower lip. Ghoul’s tongue slid into his mouth and he moaned into Ghoul’s mouth when Ghoul’s tongue started rubbing his palate lightly. He opened Ghoul’s vest and took off his shirt when Ghoul pulled back for air. Ghoul undressed Poison so quickly that Poison didn’t even have time to kiss him. Ghoul laughed at Poison’s awe.
“Uh… you’re quick.” Poison bit Ghoul’s bottom lip.
“Uh.” Ghoul kissed Poison’s neck and Poison couldn’t speak anymore. He just moaned into Ghoul’s mouth and got him out of his tight jeans. Ghoul lifted Poison to Trans AM’s backseat and climbed on top of him. Ghoul smiled devilishly and kissed Poison’s neck while Poison touched him all over his body and moaned loudly.
“Roll over honey.” Ghoul said softly to Poison’s ear. Poison hesitated a while but rolled over after few seconds and a demanding look from Ghoul. He was a little uncertain about Ghoul fucking him, but his thigh was still aching a bit after he got shot. Ghoul’s finger was pressed inside Poison and he let out a loud groan and pushed up against Ghoul’s fingers. Ghoul pushed him back down with his other hand and added another finger making Poison let out a louder noise. Ghoul felt like exploding even though he hadn’t done anything yet. He took his fingers away from Poison’s ass and replaced them with himself. Poison moaned and cried out as Ghoul moved slowly. It didn’t take too long from Poison to get used to Ghoul inside him and soon he was moaning only from pleasure not pain.
“Fuck Ghoul… fuck…” Poison gasped and felt like he could come without touching himself. “Fuck babe… I’m gonna… uh.” just when he was about to end his sentence Ghoul came panting and moaning and gripping Poison’s waist and that was too much to Poison too. He came hard, moaning Ghoul's name.
“Oh my god…” Poison tried to catch his breath. Ghoul had slid on his side between him and the backrest. Ghoul had closed his eyes and was trying to breathe normally. Poison pecked the corner of his mouth. Ghoul opened his eyes and looked Poison straight in the eye.
“What were you saying when we were dancing in the bar?” he asked after he could breathe normally again.
“What do you mean?” Poison asked and wrapped his arms around Ghoul.
“You started your sentence saying ‘I fucking…’ and then those fucking Draculoids came in.” Ghoul clarified.
“Oh… yeah… I was about to say ‘I fucking love you.’” Poison said and smiled lovingly to Ghoul. Ghoul smiled too and hugged his lover tightly and kissed him tenderly.
“I fucking love you too.” He whispered and kissed Poison once more before falling asleep with the sweetest smile on his face that Poison had ever seen, hands tightly around the man he loved more than he thought he could ever love anyone.

                              ----THE END----


that was the last part of the Killjoys. Hope you liked it. ^^