Chapter 1.
Long drive through the Zones had made Ghoul tired and sleepy. He was sitting in the front seat beside Poison who had been driving all day and was looking a bit tired as well. For a couple of times, at least four, Kobra Kid had asked if he could drive, but Poison had just smiled annoyingly and said that no-one else drives his car.
On the backseat of Poison’s Trans AM Kobra and Jet were arguing about something that didn’t really interest Ghoul so he just kept his eyes on the road and tried to stay awake. After a couple of minutes Poison drove off the road and stopped the engine. He turned to look over his shoulder to Kobra and Jet and sighed: “Could you guys stop for a second? I need to think.”
“I could drive so you could sleep?” Kobra asked again. That must have been the fifth time today, Ghoul thought and closed his eyes.
“We should find a safer place to get some rest.” Poison muttered not answering to Kobra and turned his head to see Ghoul. Ghoul felt a light tap on his hand and opened his eyes just to see Poison’s grinning face.
“You should keep your eyes on the road and mind focused on the Draculoids instead of sleeping you fucker.” he said.
“I wasn’t sleeping, just resting my eyes.” Ghoul replayed quickly.
“Yes yes.” Poison laughed and started the engine again. Ghoul was about to snap something back when Kobra spoke again “I could drive..” he said quietly. Poison just looked at him from the mirror, smiled and shook his head. Kobra turned his own head to look out of the car and didn’t say anything anymore. As the car started to move fast through the desert and wind blow against Ghoul’s face he felt that he was suddenly awake again. He loved the feeling of the wind on his face and the look in Poison’s eyes when they drove through the Zones in the middle of desert. He smiled looking at Poison’s wild red hair, which was fluttering in the air.
Ghoul felt safe when he was around Poison. He felt like nothing bad would happen to him as long as Poison was with him. Poison was their leader and the one who decided where they should go and what they should do and what ever he decided the Killjoys followed him ‘cause they trusted him. But they all also knew that if there would come the day Poison would have decide to keep running or save some of the Killjoys, he would keep running.
Poison drove fast for almost an hour and it was getting dark when he finally decided that it was time to eat and get some sleep. Jet started to build a fire and Kobra brought the food cans from Trans AM’s trunk and sat down with Jet. Ghoul was sitting by the car and leaning on a wheel and Poison was gone somewhere.
“Poison and Ghoul! Wanna come and get something to eat?” Jet asked. Ghoul nodded but didn’t move so after couple of seconds Kobra threw him a can. Ghoul thanked Kobra and started to open the can that suddenly was taken away from him. He lifted his head and saw Poison sitting next to him holding GHOUL’S can in his hand with a grin on his face.
“Give me my food back you..” Ghoul looked at Poison trying to sound as angry as he could.
“Wow... take it easy bitch. I’m your boss, remember?” Poison smirked. Ghoul just looked at him and changed his angry face to a look that was close to a puppy been told it was behaving badly. Poison looked at him for a while and after almost minute he said: “Fine… take your fucking food you son of a bitch.” then he turned his head to Kobra and told him to throw over a can of food. Kobra did as he was told and soon Poison was eating the pap from the can with his fingers. Ghoul watched him eat and was slowly eating from his own can with a wooden spoon he had made the other day while the other Killjoys had been getting more food and clean water.
“Where did you get that?” Poison asked and pointed at Ghoul’s spoon.
“I made it.” Ghoul answered and handed the spoon over to Poison. “You can have it. I can always make a new one for myself.”
“Oh thank you. I think it’s easier to eat with this. Thank you Ghoul.” Poison smiled at Ghoul over his bandana that he had pulled down while he was eating. Ghoul smiled back and wished that the moment would last longer. But when Poison kept on eating the smile and the ‘oh so loveable’ Poison was gone and there was the loyal and candid leader on his place with unreadable look on his beautiful face. When Poison had eaten he and Jet started to plan the next day’s trip to the trading market to get some new much needed pieces to the Trans AM. It was the only place where Ghoul felt he was actually needed. He was always the one to argue with the traders and usually the one to win the case. But now he wasn’t actually interested to argue with anyone. He just wanted to press himself against Poison’s body and sleep in the warmth of the fire. After almost an hour of planning Kobra and Jet decided to go to sleep. Korba settled down as close to the fire as he could without burning himself and Jet did the same way both falling to sleep right away and leaving Poison and Ghoul alone. Poison stared at the fire for a while and then got up on his feet. He walked to where Ghoul was sitting by the car and sat down on his knees in front of Ghoul.
“You really look tired Ghoul.” Poison said softly to Ghoul’s ear.
“I’m not really…” Ghoul said letting a big yawn escape from his mouth.
“You sure?” Poison asked against Ghouls neck.
“I’m sure…” Ghoul sighed letting the air come out from his lungs. Poison’s lips slightly touched Ghoul’s neck as he slid his hand down from Ghoul’s chest to his hips. Ghoul lifted his hands to touch Poison’s wild red hair and pale skin on his perfect face while Poison was sucking and biting down Ghoul’s neck and opening Ghoul’s belt and pants and ripping them off. Ghoul pulled Poison closer to his body undressing him at the same time. Suddenly (now all naked) Poison stood up and pulled Ghoul beside him. He opened the Trans AM’s door and as he was kissing and touching Ghoul where he could reach he pushed Ghoul to the backseat of the car. He climbed on top of Ghoul and looked him in the eyes. Ghoul just smiled to him and Poison kept on kissing Ghoul’s neck and chest, hands all over Ghoul’s body. Ghoul was slightly pulling Poison’s hair and making him sigh once in a while. It didn’t take too long from Poison to turn Ghoul around and get to the actual ‘work’. Ghoul just couldn’t help the moans that escaped from his lips even if he tried. Poison was mainly quiet, but sometimes just couldn’t help the feeling of pleasure making him moan loudly.
“You totally fucked my brains out for a while.” Ghoul said and laughed slightly after Poison was done. Poison just smirked to him and pulled them closer to each other.
“I know I did. I always do.” He said and kissed Ghouls forehead.
“You smug fuck.” Ghoul laughed and Poison looked at him with a big smile on his face. Poison nodded a bit and said something that sounded like ‘yes I know’ and pressed his lips against Ghoul’s. Ghoul felt a little shiver go through his spine always when Poison kissed him. He just wrapped his arms tightly around Poison and kissed him back with so much desire that Poison pulled back smiling and said: “That can be dangerous, you know?”
Ghoul didn’t understand what Poison meant with the sentence and looked confused.
“What do you mean?” he asked after a short silence.
“I mean you know… you just kiss me with so much passion.” Poison replayed quietly.
“Is there something wrong with me kissing you passionately?” Ghoul still didn’t understand the point in Poison’s words.
“It’s just that… I’m not used to it. It’s weird that you care. No-one ever cares about me.” Poison said so quietly that it was hard to hear the words. Ghoul just smiled at Poison.
“Of course I care. You saved my life when we first met.”
Poison had saved Ghoul from couple of Draculoids almost five years ago. Kobra was still a bit annoyed about the fact that Poison would never risk his own life because of some helpless runner with no life at all. But that time he did risk his own life. He had been waiting for Kobra and Jet to return from the trading market when he suddenly had heard noise that sounded like a fight and found Ghoul fighting with three Draculoids.
“Is it fair to fight three against one?” he had asked and smirked. The Draculoids hadn’t had time to react before, they got killed by Poison’s gun. Ghoul who was on his knees on the ground had been scared that Poison would kill him too and as Poison had walked closer to see what he had found, Ghoul had just dropped to sit on the sand and crab walked back against a big stone. Poison had just laughed and stretched out a hand to help Ghoul up. That was the moment when they became inseparable.
Poison looked deep into Ghoul’s eyes. He knew that no matter what Ghoul would stand beside him and never even think of leaving him alone. And he knew that he would do the same to Ghoul even though he didn’t know if Ghoul knew that too. He wasn’t afraid of anything as long as Ghoul was standing beside him.
Poison looked at Ghoul’s smiley face and his heart started to beat faster as Ghoul leaned closer to kiss his lips softly. Ghoul knew that they only had the nights to be together like this and he knew Poison would never want more than fuck with him. It didn’t really matter but sometimes Ghoul just wanted to press himself against Poison’s side while Poison was driving and kiss his neck and tell how much he cared.
The kiss lasted long until Poison pulled back to breath. He smiled at Ghoul who yawned.
“Should we sleep?” he asked and pressed a kiss on Ghoul’s temple.
“I guess.” Ghoul muttered quietly. Poison wrapped his arms tightly around Ghoul and kissed him again. Ghoul kissed back softly and closed his tired eyes.
“Good night Ghoul. And thank you.” Poison whispered to Ghoul’s ear.
“For what?” Ghoul asked and opened his eyes.
“For caring about me.” Poison said and blushed a little.
“Oh. It’s okay. As I said that of course I care.” Ghoul smiled and pecked Poison’s lips. Poison smiled and wrapped his arms around Ghoul a little tighter.
“Good night boss.” Ghoul whispered and closed his eyes again.
-end of chapter one—
That was the first part and I hope you liked it. Leave a comment if you did. ^^
I forgot to put this to the start:
VastaaPoistaPairing: Party Poison/Fun Ghoul
Warnings: language, sex
Summary: The leader of Killjoys can't fall in love... or can he?
- :)