keskiviikko 28. syyskuuta 2011

Killjoys (3/5)

Pairing: Party Poison/Fun Ghoul
Warnings: language, sex
Summary: The leader of Killjoys can't fall in love... or can he?

 Chapter 3.

“Wake up Ghoul!” someone slapped his head. Ghoul opened his eyes and saw Kobra staring at him. His first thought was ‘ohmyfuckinggodamIstillnaked?’ he sat up and looked at himself; he wasn’t naked. He sighed and looked up at Kobra.
“Get your fucking lazy ass up. We’re leaving.” Kobra said and looked more pissed off than usually. He kicked sand on Ghoul’s feet and walked away.
“Why did I have to wake up your toy?” Kobra growled to Poison who just smiled. Ghoul got up from the ground and walked towards the car.
“Kid… can you give me something to eat?” he asked from Kobra who was searching something from the trunk. Kobra’s head snapped up and he gazed at Ghoul. He looked really angry as he reached to his gun.
“Kobra! Leave it.” Poison said and walked towards them. “He didn’t mean it.”
“Whatever. I told him not to call me Kid again.”
“I’m sorry…” Ghoul muttered and looked at Kobra’s angry expression. He felt like running behind Poison’s back would be a good choice but he didn’t do it because he was a man and his self-esteem would have suffered about it.
“Put your gun down and get into the car.” Poison commanded. Kobra looked at him furiously, but obeyed his leader.
“I should have killed you right after you said it…” he snarled through his teeth and walked away.
“I told you, you should behave yourself.” Poison sighed when Kobra was gone. Ghoul didn’t say anything, just walked to the car and sat down to his seat. Poison shook his head and followed Ghoul to his Trans AM. He sat down to the front seat beside Ghoul.
“Ready guys?” he asked and looked around in the car. Nobody but Jet nodded and Poison started the car.
As usual Poison drove fast through the Zones. He drove for little more then five hours –maybe five and a half- until they got to a small city.
“Should we go and get some real food and something else then water to drink?” Poison asked turning to look everyone else in the car.
“Sounds good to me.” Kobra seemed to be really happy about the fact that he could actually eat something else then the same old pap. Jet agreed but Ghoul didn’t say anything. He just stared out of the car.
“What if you guys go and we’ll come after you in a while?” Poison asked from Kobra and Jet. He wanted to make sure that there was nothing wrong with Ghoul who had been really quiet all day.
“You’ll find us from the first pub that you see.” Jet smirked and got out of the car. Kobra looked a bit pissed off again but followed Jet anyway.
“Is something wrong?” Poison asked when Kobra and Jet were far enough.
“No. I’m fine. I just…” Ghoul turned to look at Poison. He seemed to be confused about something.
“You just what?” Poison placed his hand on Ghoul’s thigh. Ghoul turned his head away from Poison and sighed: “I was thinking about what Kobra said...”
“I told you not to care about him.” Poison said quietly and lifted his hand from Ghoul’s thigh to touch Ghoul’s face. He turned Ghoul’s face and looked him in his hazel eyes.
“I don’t care about him calling me your toy. I don’t care that he wishes I would be dead. I…” Ghoul’s voice disappeared.
“You what? You can tell me Ghoul.” Poison stroked Ghoul’s cheek slightly and looked still in his eyes.
“I just… I know you wouldn’t… I’m sorry.” Ghoul got out of the car and started walking fast away from it. Poison got also out of the car and ran after Ghoul.
“Ghoul! Wait!” he grabbed Ghoul’s hand. “You can tell me. And you don’t have to be sorry about anything. Specially if it’s because of Kid.” he said and turned Ghoul around.
“Nothing. I’m just tired. Sorry. Let’s get something to eat.” Ghoul said and smiled weakly.
“Are you sure?” Poison asked still holding Ghoul’s hand.
“Yes. I’m sure. I’m hungry.” Ghoul replayed smiling a little more.
“And you’re not angry?” Poison looked deep in Ghoul’s eyes trying to understand what happened in his head. Sometimes he wished he could read Ghoul’s mind to understand him better.
“Of course not.” Ghoul’s smile widened as he shook his head. Poison rolled his eyes: “You’re weird babe.”
Ghoul just smiled and started to walk down the street. Poison let go of his arm and started to walk beside him. They found Kobra and Jet –as Jet had said- from the first pub they saw. They ordered some food and drinks and joined Kobra and Jet.
“What took you so long?” Kobra asked with a knowing look in his eyes.
“I just gave Ghoul a list of all the things we have to get before we leave.“ Poison said and handed Ghoul a piece of paper under the table.
“Show me.” Kobra grinned and Ghoul gave the paper to him. Kobra looked amazed as he took the paper to his hand and started to read it out loud:
-spare parts for Trans AM.
“As I said Kobra.” Poison smirked and focused on eating. Kobra handed the peace of paper to Ghoul. Kobra was still amazed that the paper really existed. Ghoul just smirked and took the paper.

                                              ---end of chapter 3---

...I know this was short... sorry.

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