Pairing: Party Poison/Fun Ghoul
Warnings: language, sex
Summary: The leader of Killjoys can't fall in love... or can he?
Warnings: language, sex
Summary: The leader of Killjoys can't fall in love... or can he?
Chapter 2.
The next morning Ghoul woke up lying –still naked- on the backseat of Poison’s Trans AM. Poison was gone and Ghoul heard Kobra’s voice as he complained about the food.
“Shut up. That’s all we’ve got so stop complaining about it.” Ghoul heard Poison’s frustrated voice. Ghoul sat up and saw that Poison had collected his clothes and put them to the seat beside his legs. He got dressed and got out of the car.
“Good morning Sleeping Beauty.” Kobra said with a grin.
“Fuck off Kid. But good morning anyway.” Ghoul said and kicked a little dust on Kobra’s boots.
“I’m not a child you fucker!” Kobra complained.
“It’s your fucking name Kid.” Ghoul replayed and laughed.
“Yeah, but you can call me Kobra. I’ve told you that too many times and next time you’ll get from the laser.” Kobra said. He started to get pissed off with Poison’s favorite toy.
“Hold your tongue Kobra.” Poison’s voice came from behind Kobra’s back.
“You and your motherfucking toy!” Kobra yelled turning to Poison. “It would have been better if the Draculoids would have killed him before you got there!” Ghoul looked a bit shocked when Kobra said it.
“Come on Kobra. Ghoul’s not my toy. I thought he could help us and I was right. Think of it. How many times he has been helping us with the car ‘cause he’s a good mechanic or how many things we’ve got from the trading market because of him.” Poison talked slowly with a calming tone in his voice. Kobra looked still pissed off as he opened his mouth again:
“You wouldn’t have saved him if he wouldn’t be so attractive to you. I know you Poison.” He sighed. He turned his head to Ghoul:
“You better not call me Kid again toy boy.” He spited down on Ghoul’s feet and walked away.
“Don’t care about him.” Poison said and tapped Ghoul’s shoulder.
“I really don’t give a shit about what he thinks.” Ghoul said and tried to smile. He didn’t like to be treated as an object and hated the fact that he knew that Kobra was right. He knew that Poison would never have saved him if he wouldn’t think Ghoul was attractive. The only thing Poison ever wanted Ghoul to do –before he realized that Ghoul was actually useful as a mechanic and stuff- was to keep him satisfied.
“Well that’s good. Just remember to behave yourself and you guys will be fine.” Poison said and walked away.
“Behave myself?” Ghoul asked from himself and shook his head.
“Morning Ghoul.” Jet mumbled and walked pass him.
“Morning.” Ghoul replayed. Jet yawned loudly and sat down by the car. He started to open a food can and looked up to Ghoul.
“Have you eaten already?” he asked.
“Nope. Not yet. But I’m not really hungry.” Ghoul smiled at Jet. Jet nodded and started to eat again.
Ghoul walked about ten meters from the car and sat down by a big stone. He leaned his back against the stone and looked to the desert around him. He just sat there and stared at the desert for God only knows how long.
“We should keep running.” Ghoul heard a voice from his side. He turned to look and saw Poison looking down at him.
“Oh. I’ll come.” Ghoul said and was about to get up when Poison pushed him back down.
“In a while.” Poison murmured to Ghoul’s ear. Ghoul looked at him confused. Poison just smiled and started to open Ghoul’s belt.
“What about Kobra and Jet…?” Ghoul asked quickly.
“Looking what’s wrong with the car.” Poison said and pressed his lips against Ghoul’s jaw. “They won’t bother us for a while.”
Ghoul nodded and pulled Poison closer. Poison kissed him for a while and then stood up opening his pants.
“You give me a blowjob or I’ll fuck your mouth.” Poison smirked as Ghoul looked up at him. “You decide.” he added.
“I’ll choose the first one.” Ghoul smiled and pulled Poison’s pants down.
“You like doing blowjobs, do you?” Poison grinned to Ghoul. Ghoul nodded after few seconds of thinking and started to do his job really slowly. Poison slapped Ghoul’s head and Ghoul looked up smirking to Poison.
“Don’t you dare to piss me off.” Poison sighed.
“I’m not pissing you off. I’m giving you a blowjob.” Ghoul still smirked.
“Shut the fuck up an do your job. And don’t do it too slowly or I’ll not ask your opinion again.” Poison murmured and pulled Ghoul’s hair. Ghoul started licking and biting Poison again and making him moan rally loud. It didn’t take too long from Poison to moan a little louder and come to Ghoul’s mouth. Then he just stepped back and looked down at Ghoul who was trying to catch his breath.
“Let’s keep running you bitch.” Poison grinned closing his pants and walked away. Ghoul just stared after him for a while and cursed him. Then he stood up and walked back to the Trans AM.
“Fucking useless peace of shit!” Kobra muttered and kicked Trans AM’s wheel.
“Stop kicking my car, idiot.” Poison scowled and walked towards the car. “Ghoul! Can you come and look what’s wrong?” he asked when he saw Ghoul coming closer.
“Yes, of course.” Ghoul replayed and opened the car’s hood. He worked for almost two hours under the hot desert sun. He had taken off his vest and shirt and he was now sitting on the ground and wiping sweat away from his forehead. Poison had been sitting on a small stone and watched every move he had made.
“I think it’s alright now.” Ghoul said as he stood up. Poison sat down on the front seat and started the motor. It growled loudly. Ghoul had been right; it worked again.
“Thank you Ghoul. Now we really have to keep running before the Draculoids find us. We’ve been here for far too long.” Poison said and slapped Ghoul’s ass when Kobra and Jet where nowhere to be seen. “You’ll get your reward later.” he murmured at Ghoul’s ear and winked his eye.
“We’re ready now.” Kobra said from the backseat of Trans AM. Jet opened the other backdoor and sat down too.
“I’ll take my stuff and then I’m ready too.” Ghoul said and went to find his bag and clothes. When he had found them, he sat down on the passenger seat and looked at Poison.
“What?” Poison asked and smiled slightly.
“Nothing… I just… I’m ready.” Ghoul blushed a little and turned to look out of the car.
“You’re blushing.” Poison pointed out and laughed lightly.
“No I’m not!” Ghoul exclaimed and felt how his face turned a little more pink.
“Oh yes you are.” Poison loved the way Ghoul’s cheeks turned slightly pink when he was embarrassed. Ghoul hated it. He hated the fact that Poison was the only person in the whole world who made him blush and feel like a teenage girl. Poison just had that something in his eyes when he smiled that made Ghoul’s knees shake and his brains unusable. In fact he didn’t want to think when he was with Poison.
They got to the trading market after two hours of driving. Poison had talked to Ghoul almost the whole time not noticing that Ghoul didn’t actually listen to him. Ghoul just looked at Poison’s lips moving as Poison talked and watched every appearance on his beautiful face.
“Okay… we should try to find a pan or something like that.” Poison said and walked towards a big pickup.
“For what?” Kobra asked and followed him.
“If you wanna eat warm food, idiot.” Poison answered and laughed. After half an hour Poison found what he was looking for. And this time he didn’t even need to argue about anything; the man had just given it to him after Poison had offered a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
“So… what now?” Jet asked after they had found everything they needed.
“I think we should find some safer place to rest.” Poison said and rubbed his neck.
“I guess so…” Kobra muttered and sat down on a stone.
“Get into the car then.” Poison said and the other Killjoys obeyed. The drive didn’t last too long but long enough for Ghoul to fall asleep. He slept on the front seat beside Poison -who was driving as usual- and leaned his head against the headrest.
“Ghoul? Are you sleeping bastard? Wake up… Wake up Ghoul.” Ghoul heard Poison’s voice through his sleep. He didn’t want to open his eyes and turned his head away from Poison. Poison lifted his hand on Ghoul’s chin and turned his head back. Ghoul did not open his eyes.
“Wake up you son of a bitch. You’ve been sleeping for two hours.” Poison murmured to Ghoul’s ear and Ghoul opened his eyes.
“What?” he looked drowsy.
“Yes. Get up now. You have to eat something.” Poison petted Ghoul’s cheek. “Come on.”
“Well okay…” Ghoul said unwillingly but got up anyway.
Kobra and Jet had fallen asleep long ago when Ghoul finally finished eating.
“This is not so bad after all… the food I mean.” he said as he placed the can on the sand.
“No… and now we can eat warm food.” Poison replayed and laughed when Ghoul yawned loudly. “Are you tired babe?”
“Nope. Or maybe a little… I don’t really know.” Ghoul said and laughed.
“Hopefully not… cause I promised that you’ll get a reward because you fixed my car.” Poison grinned.
“And what do you mean with your ‘reward’?” Ghoul looked curious.
“Kiss me.” Poison said and Ghoul lifted his head to see if Poison was serious. Poison was just smiling slightly and looking at Ghoul.
“What?” Ghoul gazed at Poison.
“You didn’t understand what I just said?” Poison asked. Ghoul wasn’t sure so he shook his head ‘no’.
“I said kiss me you motherfucker.” Poison repeated and laughed at Ghoul’s confusion. “You are such a dork.”
“Oh shut up…” Ghoul said and kissed Poison softly. Poison was taken by surprise. After a quick thought ‘what the fuck’ he kissed back and felt Ghoul smiling against his lips. At some point Ghoul had to pull back to breathe and he looked at Poison’s eyes.
“You’re fucking annoying.” Poison sighed and stroked Ghoul’s hair and cheek.
“Why?” Ghoul tilted his head to the touch.
“Cause you’re such a good kisser.” Poison replayed and kissed Ghoul again. Ghoul opened his lips and let Poison’s tongue slide into his mouth. They made out for a while and then Poison started undressing Ghoul. He looked into Ghoul’s eyes, smiling and kissed his lips softly. Ghoul felt a warm wave go through him all the way to his toes and he wrapped his arms around Poison’s neck. He started to pull Poison’s hair slightly and Poison let out a quiet moan against Ghoul’s mouth.
“Could I…?” Ghoul started and placed his other hand on Poison’s ass but Poison interrupted him by kissing him eagerly.
“No.” Poison said against Ghoul’s lips. “No you can’t.”
“You fucker…” Ghoul murmured still kissing Poison.
“Don’t you call me fucker.” Poison pulled back.
“Poison I…” Ghoul looked miserable. Poison turned his head away trying to hold back laughter. Ghoul took his face between his hands and stared at him. Poison bit his lower lip and tried not to look into Ghoul’s big sad puppy eyes. They sat in silence for a while.
“Poison look at me…” Ghoul sounded heartbreaking. “I didn’t mean it. Please… talk to me… or look at me at least.” Poison turned his eyes to Ghoul.
“I know you didn’t mean it.” he laughed.
“You… I… ehm.” Ghoul stared at Poison. “Fuck you.”
“No. Fuck you.” Poison said and stood up. He lifted Ghoul to his feet, turned him around and then pushed him down on his knees again. Poison got to his knees as well and suddenly Ghoul felt two fingers inside him stretching him for Poison. Ghoul moaned loudly and bit his bottom lip. As soon as Poison felt that Ghoul was relaxed enough he took his fingers away.
“This can hurt a little…” Poison whispered to Ghoul’s ear. Ghoul tried not to cry out in pain and pleasure when he felt Poison inside him. Poison didn’t really care about Ghoul’s painful and horny moaning. He just started to fuck Ghoul roughly and Ghoul moaned louder with every thrust.
“Shut up. Otherwise you’ll wake Kid and Jet.” Poison murmured to Ghoul’s ear. Ghoul bit his bottom lip a little harder and tasted blood in his mouth.
---end of chapter two---
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